Busted Trip

Pictures turned out to be a bust. I was hoping to get my photo taken during family pictures, which was a main reason I made the trip to Sick City. That’s not what happened. I did get in two pictures, one with everyone who was there and wanted to be in it, the other with just my siblingsthat were there and my mom and her current husband.

It was my fault. I have a rule, never think, never assume. I hate it when people just assume something. That’s what I did. I assumed that my mom would want to have a new photo of me and would have made the arrangements like all the other times before. When I noticed I wasn’t going to get my picture taken, I asked the photographer how much it would be for me to have my picture taken, but it was more than I was willing to pay. I should have stuck with my original plan and had them taken two months ago at Sears in St. George. That’s what I get for thinking.

Mom says that the family pictures this year were the worst yet. I’ll agree, but that’s what you get when you do something like that at a place like Kiddie Kandits. C’est la vie.

And life goes on. I’ll never do it again.

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