Webpage Update

O.k., the latest news is that I have finally decided to do something with that blank page21.html. Originally, I had planned to have it an alphabetical list of the States of America complete with flags and links to the state’s constitution and statutes. Argg, too much work. So, it’s been blank all this time waiting for me to water it.

Introducing my comprehensive index to this blog. It’s a work in progress, but to start with, it is a list of titles linked to the articles I have posted here at blogspot.com. Eventually, it will include brief descriptions of what each article is about. Whew, that’s a lot of work, so I’ll do it when I do it.

You can view My Blog Articles page at:
page21.html or page21.html

Also all links have been updated to reflect the new content of the page.

And, I finally got around to making a whats_new.gif for the links to this page.

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