Sweet Tragedy

Today marked the anniversary of the birth of a particular life-altering thank-you card. :-s

I remember it as though it were yesterday. I wish I could go back and tell myself not to write it; that the recipient was in no way as worthy of it as I had thought and not as kind as I had perceived. In fact, ‘kind’ is in a whole other ballpark of of what she turned out to be. I would also point out the difference between countenance and continence, which I may have used by mistake that day.

Anyway, if this day, last year, had never happened, I would not be living in a pickup camper in my grandma’s back yard in Sick City, Idaho. So, fire or frying pan? Except for the 0 degree weather, it feels like fire. But it could just be the ‘high’ setting.

I do often wish I was still living in Satan George, Utah. Despite the fact that I hated it down there, and most of the people, I did enjoy the lifestyle, the much warmer temperature, and the friends I had. The best part was the bicycling. I had legs of steel then that have become mush since vegi-ing out up here, and it was a great cardiovascular workout every day.

Well, happy birthday infamous thank-you card. And f@#k you!

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